陈 萌
● 个人概述
工作3年来,先后主持学校年薪制人才项目1项、主持广东省区域联合基金青年基金以及广州市科学技术局项目各1项、联合完成2022年省级乡村振兴战略专项资金种业振兴项目1项;此外,还主持了第一次全国水产养殖种质资源普查子项目1项、参与广东省农村科技特派员驻镇帮扶项目1项、指导学生参加国家级“大学生创新创业训练计划项目”1项;论文发表方面,以第一作者或通讯作者在Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Fish and Shellfish Immunology,Aquaculture等SCI核心期刊发表论文5篇,中文文章1篇。
● 主要研究兴趣
1. 硬骨鱼类病毒、细菌性疾病和免疫调控
2. 渔用疫苗的研发
3. 生态化养殖
● 教育背景及工作经历
2009.09--2013.07 |
洛阳师范学院 |
学士 |
2013.09--2016.07 |
华南师范大学 |
硕士(导师:王安利、叶剑敏) |
2016.07--2019.06 |
华南师范大学 |
博士(导师:叶剑敏) |
2019.07--至今 |
任职于仲恺农业工程学院 |
专任教师 |
● 代表性论文:
◆ Chen M., Ding M.M., Wang Y.H., Yin X.X., Fu S.L., Guo Z., Ye J., 2016. Complement C1Q has a novel tetrameric structure in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish. Shellfish Immunol. 53, 102-103. (JCR一区,IF 3.185)
◆ Chen M., Ding M.M., Li Y., Zhong X.F., Liu S., Guo Z., Yin X.X., Fu S.L., Ye J., 2018. The complement component 1 q (C1q) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Functional characterization in host defense against bacterial infection and effect on cytokine response in macrophages. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 87, 98-108. (JCR一区,IF 2.913)
◆ Chen M., Liu S., Yan F.F., Zhou E.X., Zhong X.F., Ding M.M., Ye J., 2019. Characterization of complement 1q-binding protein from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in response to bacterial infection and its binding properties. Aquaculture 500, 31-40. (JCR一区,IF 2.57)
◆ Zhong X.F., Chen M., Ding M.M., Zhong M.Q., Li B.X., Wang Y.H., Fu S.L., Yin X.X., Guo Z., Ye J., 2017. C1r and C1s from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) molecular characterization, transcriptional profiling upon bacterial and IFN-γ inductions and potential role in response to bacterial infection. Fish. Shellfish Immunol. 70, 240-251. (JCR一区,IF 3.185)
◆ Ding M.M., Chen M., Zhong X.F., Wang Y.H., Fu S.L., Yin X.X., Guo Z., Ye J., 2017. Identification and characterization of C1 inhibitor in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in response to pathogenic bacteria. Fish. Shellfish Immunol. 61, 152-162. (JCR一区,IF 3.185).
◆ Liu S., Chen M., Yan F.F., Zhou E.X., Li B.X., Fu S.L., Yin X.X., Guo Z., Ye J., 2019.
Expression and functional analysis of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor in Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture 500, 41-49. (JCR一区,IF 2.57)