l 个人概况:
E-mail: qinzhendongsc@163.com, 575512829@qq.com
联系地址:广州市海珠区仲恺路501号 仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院,邮编:510225
本科毕业于四川农业大学水产养殖专业,随后在华中农业大学水产动物医学方向获得农学博士学位(导师:林蠡教授)。2018年9月就职于仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院水产养殖系工作,目前主要从事水产动物病害与免疫以及新型疫苗的开发相关研究,目前担任广东省现代农业技术体系“广东省海水鱼产业技术体系创新团队”岗位专家。目前主持各级项目10项,获得国家发明专利3项,担任Review in Aquaculture, Frontiers in Immunology,Aquaculture,Fish and Shellfish Immunology, Frontiers in Marine Science,food&function,水产学报等期刊审稿人。目前在Review in Aquaculture, Food Research International, Frontiers in Immunology, Aquaculture, Fish and Shellfish Immunology,Frontiers in Marine Science,Dev Comp Immunol,水产学报等期刊发表科技论文128篇,其中SCI收录91篇,JCR一区文章65篇,第一作者或通讯64篇;中文核心37篇,第一作者或通讯21篇。
1. 鱼虾血液免疫学研究
2. 卵黄抗体的开发与利用
3. 饲料免疫添加剂的研发与应用
4. 药物筛选与利用
l 教育背景:
l 工作经历:
l 教学:
l 主持科研项目:
5、农业农村部渔用药物创制重点实验室开放课题,201805, 石斑鱼神经坏死病毒卵黄抗体的制备及性能检测2019.1-2020.12,2万,在研,主持。
10、广东省科学技术厅 (广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金项目)面上项目,2023A1515012784,铁蛋白自噬在草鱼血红蛋白诱导细胞铁死亡中的调控作用及机制研究,2023/01/01 -2025/12/31,10万,主持。
11、广东省农业技术推广中心,龙虾人工繁育和养殖关键技术研究,(B72522202),2024.7-2025.6, 40万,主持。
12、越群海洋生物科技有限公司,含褐藻寡糖的加州鲈开口饲料制备工艺研究, (D123201F001),2023-2027,5万,主持。
13、越群海洋生物科技有限公司,提升水产动物苗种抗病力的配合微囊饲料研发,(D123222E901) ,2023-2027,5万,主持。
14、越群海洋生物科技有限公司,水产动物苗种提质抗病高效开口配合饲料研发,(D123222H8) ,2023-2027,20万,主持。
17、广东省科学技术厅,鳜鱼健康养殖技术体系应用与示范,(B124222E0),2024.10-2025.9, 4 万,主持。
1. Jialing Song#, Ningjing Li#, Yan Yang, Bing Chen*, Jiaxiang Hu, Ye Tian, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Cell-free hemoglobin released from hemolysis induces programmed cell death through iron overload and oxidative stress in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
2. Fei Shi, Lixin Ma, Zhilong Chen, Hao Zhao, Cuiyun Zou, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Oligochitosan mitigates Vibrio harveyi infection in hybrid groupers (Epinephelus lanceolatus♂× Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀) by modulating
immune responses and disease-related pathways. Fishes 2024 IF=2.1
3. Ningjing Li; Jialing Song; Yan Yang; Xiaoman Huang; Bing Chen*; Ye Tian; Li Lin*; Zhendong Qin*. Nrf2 protects against oxidative damage induced by hemoglobin in the liver of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease (BBADIS) 2024. IF=4.2
4. Yan Yang, Ningjing Li, Jialing Song, Ye Tian, Bing Chen, Jiangtao Li*, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Hemolysis-Associated Release of Hb Induces Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation (OXPHOS) Disturbance and Aggravates Cell Oxidative Damage in Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
5. Chun Liu, Han Lin, Jie Ma, Yebing Yu, Ruinan Wang, Xinyi Tang, Jingyang Sun, Zhendong Qin, Biao Jiang, Wei Li, Youlu Su, Li Lin. The overlooked shadow killer: Elizabethkingia anophelis as a potent pathogen in American bullfrogs (Aquarana catesbeiana). Aquaculture. 2024
6. Xiaoman Huang, Yan Yang, Yanhan Bai, Shiyi Yang, Bing Chen*, Linpeng Zhang, Lihan Liu, Junjie Tao, Chengming Tu, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Foodborne iron overload induced oxidative stress and caused mitochondrial damage in liver of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Aquaculture. 2024
7. Linpeng Zhang, Yucong Hong, Kaihui Sun, Shuyan Zhao, Yanhan Bai, Shiyi Yang, Junjie Tao, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Passive protection of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) against Streptococcus agalactiae infection in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
8. Liu Guangxin; Liu Guangfeng; Li Ce; Ma Hongling; Deng Yiqin; Cheng Changhong; Jiang Jianjun; Fan Sigang; Feng Juan; Li Lin*, Qin Zhendong*; Guo Zhixun*. Genome sequencing analysis and validation of infestation-related functional genes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus LG2206 isolated from the hepatopancreas of diseased mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in South China. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
9. Chen Meiyan; Li Qingqing; Yang Ling, Lin Weiqiang; Qin Zhendong; Liang Shaowen, Lin Li; Xie Xi. Effects of diet containing germinated faba bean (Vicia faba L.) on the intestinal health and gut microbial communities of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Reports. 2024 IF=3.7
10. Fei Shi, Zhilong Chen, Yao Huang, Sien Chen, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Long-term disinfectant influences on intestinal immunity and microbiome variation of grass carp. Aquatic Toxicology 2024 IF=4.5
11. Chengming Tu, Shiyi Yang, Minxuan Yang, Lihan Liu, Junjie Tao, Linpeng Zhang, Xiaoman Huang, Ye Tian, Ningjing Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Mechanisms of Persistent Hemolysis-Induced middle kidney Injury in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
12. Linpeng Zhang, Yanhan Bai, Junjie Tao, Shiyi Yang, Chengming Tu, Lihan Liu, Xiaoman Huang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Effects of feeding chicken egg yolk antibodies on intestinal cell apoptosis, oxidative stress and microbial flora of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) infected with Streptococcus agalactiae. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
13. Xiaoman Huang#, Hong Chen#, Chenming Tu, Linpeng Zhang, Lihan Liu, Li Lin⁎, Zhendong Qin⁎, Fanbin Zhan*. Phenylhydrazine-induced haemolysis disturbed iron pool homeostasis and activated expression pattern of FPN1 in the intestine of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2024
14. Shiyi Yang#, Yanhan Bai#, Junjie Tao, Chengming Tu, Bing Chen*, Xiaoman Huang, Linpeng Zhang, Lihan Liu, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Exploration of the immune response of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) erythrocytes during bacterial infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
15. 潇潇 张, Yingxin Wu, Zizhen Sun, Xianzi Zeng, Li Lin, Yifan Liu, Zhendong Qin, Weidong Bai, Baiqiao Ou, Peiyaun Li, Jinhui Wu, Cuiyun Zou. Effects of Pomelo Polysaccharide on fat deposition and liver health of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Research Square 2024
16. Junjie Tao, Lihan Liu, Xiaoman Huang, Chenming Tu, Linpeng Zhang, Shiyi Yang, Yanhan Bai, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. FerrylHb induces inflammation and cell death in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) hepatocytes. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7
17. Fei Shi, Zhilong Chen, Yao Huang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Hepatoprotective effects of oligochitosan on hybrid groupers (Epinephelus lanceolatu ♂ × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀) against Vibrio harvey infection via suppressing apoptosis-related pathways. Aquaculture International. 2024 IF=2.9
18. Jingyang Sun, Hua Li, Han Lin, Kesong Chen, Zhendong Qin, Biao Jiang, Wei Li, Qing Wang, Youlu Su, Yanhua Huang*, Chun Liu. Identiffcation and characterization of Streptococcus iniae from farmed American Bullfrogs (Aquarana catesbeiana). Aquaculture Reports. 2024 IF=3.7
19. Fei Shi, Zhilong Chen, Minshan Yao, Yao Huang, Jin Xiao, Lixin Ma, Jilin Mo, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Effects of glutaraldehyde and povidone-iodine on apoptosis of grass carp liver and hepatocytes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2024, IF=6.8
20. Fanbin Zhan, Qingqing Li, Huiwen Feng, Ruikang Lin, Weiming Liang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. A short-term of starvation improved the antioxidant activity and quality of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2024 IF=2.9 2
21. Yanhan Bai#, Lingqin Lu#, Junjie Tao, Chengming Tu, Bing Chen, Shiyi Yang, Xiaoman Huang, Linpeng Zhang, Lihan Liu, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Immune response mechanisms underlying bacterial infection in Aquarana catesbeiana erythrocytes. Aquaculture. 2024 IF=4.5
22. Junjie Tao, Chengming Tu, Zizheng Xu, Yanhan Bai, Shiyi Yang, Xiaoman Huang, Linpeng Zhang, Lihan Liu, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The infection of Aeromonas hydrophila activated Multiple programmed cell death pathways in red blood cells of Clarias fuscus. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2024 IF=4.7 2
23. Lin Han; Zeng Guilian; Yu Yebing; Li Hua; Chen Kesong; Qin Zhendong; Jiang Biao; Li Wei; Su Youlu; Li Lin; Liu Chun. Acute septicemia and diagnostic evaluation of Aeromonas veronii infection in American bullfrogs (Aquarana catesbeiana). Aquaculture 2024 IF=4.5 3
24. Zhilong Chen, Lixin Ma, Sien Chen, Yao Huang, Zhendong Qin, Li Lin, Fei Shi. transcription pathways of grass carp Effects of enrofloxacin and povidone-iodine on immunity, intestinal microbes. Research Square 2024
25. Lihan Liu, Xiaoman Huang, Chengming Tu, Bing Chen, Yanhan Bai, Shiyi Yang, Linpeng Zhang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The effects of starvation stress on intestinal morphology and flora of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Microbial Pathogenesis 2024 IF=3.8 1
26. Fanbin Zhan, Shichun Zhou, Fei Shi, Qingqing Li, Li Lin⁎, Zhendong Qin⁎. Identifying the function of the PI3K-AKT pathway during the pathogenic infection of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Journal of Fish Diseases 2023 2.5 2
27. Minxuan Yang †, Minshan Yao†, Yao Huang†, Lixiang Wei†, Ying Tang†, Hong Chen†, Yanan Li†, Fei Shi†, Fanbin Zhan†, Chun Liu†, Jun Li†, ‡, Li Lin†, *, Zhendong Qin†, *. Hemoglobin increased intracellular reactive oxygen species levels and mainly caused ferroptosis in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Journal of Immunology. 2023 IF=5.6
28. Linpeng Zhang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. A review on the application of chicken immunoglobulin Y in aquaculture. Review in Aquaculture 2023. IF=10.6 5
29. Fanbin Zhan, Shichun Zhou, Fei Shi, Qingqing Li, Li Lin⁎, Zhendong Qin⁎. Transcriptome analysis of Macrobrachium rosenbergii hemocytes in response to Staphylococcus aureus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023, accepted. SCI:4.7.(JCR 一区刊物) 8
30. Fei Shi, Minshan Yao, Yao Huang, Zhilong Chen, Jin Xiao, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Effects of antibiotics on immunity and apoptosis on grass carp liver and hepatocytes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2023 IF= 7.96 9
31. Minshan Yao, Hong Chen, Junjie Tao, Lixiang Wei, Ying Tang, Junyan Lin, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. C-myc modulates the replication of RGNNV via glutamine-mediated ATP production in grouper fin cells. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2023
32. Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Qingqing Li, Li Lin⁎, Zhendong Qin⁎. Characteristion analysis of TLR5a and TLR5b immune response after different bacterial infection in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023, accepted. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物)2
33. Lixiang Wei, Yanhan Bai, Rishen Liang*, Junyan Lin, Minxuan Yang, Ying Tang, Hong Chen, Minshan Yao, Yao Huang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The regulation mechanism of hematopoiesis during ischemic and hemolytic anemia in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 573 (2023) 739525.
34. Lindan Sun, Feng Lin, Binbin Sun, Zhendong Qin, Keping Chen, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Yulei Zhang, Li Lin. Scutellaria polysaccharide mediates the immunity and antioxidant capacity of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2023 10
35. Qingqing Li, Yao Huang, Xingqian Zhang, Zhendong Qin, Cuiyun Zou, Xiaohong Tan, Xi Xie, Shaowen Liang, Li Lin. Effects of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) on growth performance, textural quality and physiological indices of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture. 574, 2023, 739640. 5
36. Yanan Li, Zongfu Chen, Yayuan Xiao, Feng Gao, Fanbin Zhan, Zhijie Lu, Zhenpeng Huang, Xuefeng Wei, Fengping Su, Fei Shi, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The Keap1-Nrf2 signaling pathway regulates antioxidant defenses of Ctenopharyngodon idella induced by bacterial infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023, accepted. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 2
37. Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Qingqing Li, Li Lin⁎, Zhendong Qin⁎. Transcriptome analysis of Macrobrachium rosenbergii hemocytes reveals in-depth insights into the immune response to Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023, accepted. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 8
38. Han Lin, Jingyang Sun, Jie Ma, Zhendong Qin, Biao Jiang, Wei Li, Qing Wang, Youlu Su, Li Lin, Chun Liu. Detection and quantification of Klebsiella pneumoniae in American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) by Taqman MGB probe real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Aquaculture, Volume 568, 2023, 739339.
2022 1
39. Han Lin, Jie Ma, Jingyang Sun, Zhendong Qin, Biao Jiang, Wei Li, Qing Wang, Youlu Su, Li Lin, Chun Liu. Identification and Characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae from farmed American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). Microbiology spectrum. 2022 IF=9.03 13
40. Jiajun Chen, Youcheng Yang, Zizheng Xu, Feng Li, Minxuan Yang, Fei Shi, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Characterization of effects of chitooligosaccharide monomer addition on immunomodulatory activity in macrophages. Food Research International. 2022 IF=8.1 6
41. Junyan Lin, Lixiang Wei, Minshan Yao, Hong Chen, Ying Tang, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Study on the regulatory mechanism of erythropoietin in erythropoiesis in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 2022 IF=5.25
42. Hong Chen, Minshan Yao, Yin tang, Lixiang Wei, Junyan Lin, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Study on the main mode of the death of red blood cells in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 2022 IF=5.25 1
43. Ying Tang, Shiyi Yang, Minshan Yao, Minxuan Yang, Lixiang Wei, Hong Chen, Junyan Lin, Yao Huang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Hemoglobin induces inflammation through NF-kB signaling pathway and causes cell oxidative damage in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Frontiers in Immunology. SCI 8.79 2022 11
44. Fenglin Li, Ying Tang, Lixiang Wei, Minxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Wenchong Liao, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Alginate oligosaccharide modulates immune response, fat metabolism, and the gut bacterial community in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2021, accepted. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 8
45. Fei Shi, Yao Huang, Mingxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Yanan Li, Fanbin Zhan, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Antibiotic-induced Alternations in Gut Microflora are Associated with the Suppression of Immune-related Pathways in Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Frontiers in Immunology. SCI 8.79 2022 25
46. Guang Yang, Zhendong Qin, Zhijie Lu, Rishen Liang, Lijuan Zhao, Gan Pan, Li Lin *, Kai Zhang *. Comparative transcriptomics of the gonads reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying gonadal development in giant freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022 5
47. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Chun Liu, Jun Li, Li Lin. Hemoglobin mediates inflammation and apoptosis in the head-kidney macrophages of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 2022 IF=5.25 3
48. Zhendong Qin, Minxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Sarath Babu V, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Chun Liu, Jun Li, Li Lin. The oxidative injury of extracellular hemoglobin is associated with reactive oxygen species generation of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Frontiers in Immunology. SCI 8.79 2022 12
49. Youcheng Yang, Jiajun Chen, Linqing Lu, Zizheng Xu, Feng Li, Minxuan Yang, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The antibacterial activity of erythrocytes from goose (Anser domesticus) can be associated with phagocytosis and respiratory burst generation. Front. Immunol. SCI 8.79 2022 8
50. Meizhen Tang, Zhijie Lu, Sarath Babu V, Guang Yang, Yanan Li, Zizheng Xu, Pan Gan, Zhendong Qin* and Li Lin*. The regulatory relationships between the GIH and IAGBP genes in the eyestalk-AG-testis axis of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Frontiers in Marine Science. SCI:5.25 2021 4
51. Zizheng Xu, Youcheng Yang, Sarath Babu V., Jiajun Chen, Feng Li, Minxuan Yang, Ningqiu Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The antibacterial activity of erythrocytes from Clarias fuscus associated with phagocytosis and respiratory burst generation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2021, accepted. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 15
52. Yanan Li, Xiaolong Qiu, Zhijie Lu, Fanbin Zhan, Minxuan Yang, Sarath Babu V., Jun Li, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. Molecular and functional characterization of MST2 in grass carp during bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2021 IF=4.62 4
53. Meizhen Tang, Zhijie Lu, Zhendong Qin**, Guang Yang, Sarath Babu V, Menglan Zhang, Zizheng Xu, Lijuan Zhao, Gan Pan* and Li Lin**. Examination of the potential role of CHH in regulating the expression of IAGBP gene through the eyestalk-testis pathway. Aquaculture. 2021 IF=5.25 7
54. Yanan Li, Fanbin Zhan, Fenglin Li, Zhijie Lu, Zizheng Xu, Youcheng Yang, Fei Shi, Lijuan Zhao, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. Molecular and functional characterization of mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase from Macrobrachium rosenbergii during bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2021 IF=4.62 8
55. Chun Liu, Jie Ma, Defeng Zhang, Wei Li, Biao Jiang, Zhendong Qin, Youlu Su*, Li Lin, Qing Wang. Immune response and apoptosis-related pathways induced by Aeromonas schubertii infection of hybrid snakehead (Channa maculata♀× Channa argus♂). Pathogens. 2021. IF=3.5 15
56. Menglan Zhang, Zhijie Lu, MeiZhen Tang, Gan Pan, Lijuan Zhao, Zhendong Qin*, and Li Lin. Mannose receptor of Epinephelus coioides exerts antiviral activity against red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus and regulates apoptosis and inflammation. Aquaculture. 2021 IF=5.25 5
57. Zhijie Lu, Menglan Zhang, Meizhen Tang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin* and Zhendong Qin*. Heme oxygenase-1 protects against inflammatory and apoptosis induced by hemeproteins in Ctenopharyngodon Idellus kidney cells. Aquaculture. 2021 IF=5.25 6
58. Zhijie Lu, Meizhen Tang, Menglan Zhang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Hemeprotein amplifies the innate immune receptors of Ctenopharyngodon idellus kidney cells through NF-κB- and MAPK-dependent reactive oxygen species generation. Dev Comp Immunol, 2021 IF=3.6 10
59. Zhijie Lu, Meizhen Tang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Menglan Zhang, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Molecular cloning and characterization of FADD from the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) in response to bacterial infection. Aquaculture. 2021 IF=5.25 10
60. Zhijie Lu, Meizhen Tang, Menglan Zhang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Expression and Functional Analysis of the BCL2-Associated Agonist of Cell Death (BAD) Gene in the Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) During the Bacterial Infection. Dev Comp Immunol, 2021 IF=3.6 16
61. Yanan Li, Fanbin Zhan, Fenglin Li, Zhijie Lu, Fei Shi, Zizheng Xu, Youcheng Yang, Lijuan Zhao, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. Immune function of cytosolic manganese superoxide dismutase from Macrobrachium rosenbergii in response to bacterial infection. Aquaculture. 2021 IF=5.25 7
62. AbeerM.Hegazy,NanChen,HanzuoLin,SarathBabu V.,YouchengYang,Zhendong Qin,Shifei, JunLi,LiLin. Induction of apoptosis in SSN-1cells by Snakehead Fish Vesiculovirus (SHVV) via Matrix protein dependent intrinsic pathway. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2021 IF=4.62 8
63. Minxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yulei Zhang, Lijuan Zhao, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Alginate oligosaccharide improves fat metabolism and antioxidant capacity in the liver of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Aquaculture. 2021 accepted. 9 IF=5.25
64. Yanan Li, Zhijie Lu, Fanbin Zhan, Minxuan Yang, Lijuan Zhao, Fei Shi, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Nrf2 modulates host defense during antibacterial immunity response in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Aquaculture. 2021 accepted. 12 IF=5.25
65. Fei Shi, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Feng Li, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Yanan Li, Qingqing Li, Jiangtao Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Astragalus polysaccharides mediate the immune response and intestinal microbiota in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Aquaculture. 2020 accepted. 57 IF=5.25
66. Minxuan Yang#, Zhijie Lu#, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin *, Zhendong Qin*. Escherichia coli induced ferroptosis in red blood cells of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2020 43 IF=4.62
67. Zhijie Lu#, Minxuan Yang#, Kai Zhang, Fanbin Zhan, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Yanan Li, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Aeromonas hydrophila infection activates death receptor apoptosis pathway in the red blood cells of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) from transcriptome analysis. Aquaculture. 2020 accepted. 24 IF=5.25
68. Zhijie Lu, Fanbin Zhan, Minxuan Yang, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Yanan Li, Lijuan Zhao,Kai Zhang, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*.The immune function of heme oxygenase-1 from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) in response to bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. (accepted) 19 IF=4. 62
69. Fei Shi+, Yingjuan Z+, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Fanbin Zhan, Jun Li, Lijuan Zhao, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Bacillus subtilis H2 modulates immune response, fat metabolism and bacterial flora in the gut of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. (accepted) 60 =4. 62
70. Fei Shi+, Xiaolong Qiu+, Lingju Nie, Luoying Hu, Sarath Babu V., Qiang Lin, Yulei Zhang, Liehuan Chen, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Effects of oligochitosan on the growth, immune responses and gut microbes of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. (accepted) 29 IF=4.62
71. Liting Wu#, Zhendong Qin#, Haipeng Liu, Li Lin, Jianmin Ye*, Jun Li*. Recent advances on phagocytic B cells in teleost fish. Frontier immunology. 2020 (accepted). 70 IF=8.79
72. Yang, G.; Lu, Z.; Qin, Z.; Zhao, L.; Pan, G.; Shen, H.; Zhang, M.; Liang, R.; Lin, L.; Zhang, K. Insight into the Regulatory Relationships between the Insulin-Like Androgenic Gland Hormone Gene and the Insulin-Like Androgenic Gland Hormone-binding Protein Gene in Giant Freshwater Prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 4207. 13
73. Sun L, Babu V S, Qin Z, Su Y, Liu C, Shi F, Zhao L, Li J, Chen K, Lin L*. Snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) infection alters striped snakehead (Ophicephalus striatus) cells (SSN-1) glutamine metabolism and apoptosis pathways. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2020, accepted. SCI:3.02.(JCR 一区刊物). 3
74. Lu Zhijie, Yang Guang, Shen Haiyang, Zhang Menglan, Shi Fei, Li Jun, sarath babu vijayaraman, Qin Zhendong, Lin Li. Glutamate Related Osmoregulation of Guanine Nucleotide-Binding Protein G (I) α2 from Giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) during molting and salinity stress. Aquaculture. 2020 accepted. 16
75. Guang Yang, Shoujia Jiang, Zhendong Qin, Hongyan Kou, Rishen Liang, Lijuan Zhao, Li Lin and Kai Zhang.A Comparative Genomic and Transcription Survey Providing Novel Insights into Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (bmp2) in Fishes. Internal journal of Molecular Science. 2019. accepted. 9
76. Zhijie Lu, Sarath Babu V, Zhendong Qin, Chengkai Ye, Guomao Su, Jiabo Li, Guang Yang, Haiyang Shen, Gan Pan*, Li Lin*. Expression and functional characterization of glutamine synthetase from Giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) under osmotic stress. Aquaculture Research. 2019.accepted. SCI : 1.475. (JCR 三区刊物). 20
77. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Hanzuo Lin, Yunjia Dai, Lijuan Zhao, Jungang Xie, Weiqiang Lin, , Zaohe Wu, Jun Li*, Li Lin*. Antibacterial activity of erythrocyte from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is associated with phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species generation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, accepted. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 36
78. Muhammad Asim, V. Sarath Babu, Zhendong Qin, Lijuan Zhao, Jianguo Su, Jun Li, Jiagang Tu, Hongyan Kou*, Li Lin*. Inhibition of Cyclophilin A on the Replication of Red Spotted Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus associates with multiple pro-inflammatory factors. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, accepted. SCI:3.298.(JCR 一区刊物). 7
79. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Hanzuo Lin, Yunjia Dai, Hongyan Kou, Liehuan Chen, Jun Li, Lijuan Zhao*, Li Lin*.The immune function of prophenoloxidase from red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in response to bacterial infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, accepted. SCI:4.62(JCR 一区刊物). 54
80. Farman Ullah Dawar, Sarath Babu V, Hongyan Kou, Zhendong Qin, Quanyuan Wan, Lijuan Zhao, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattack, Jun Li, Jie Mei*, Li Lin*.The rag 2 gene of yellow catfish (Tachysurus fulvidraco) and its immune response against Edwardsiella ictaluri infection. Dev Comp Immunol, 2019,16;98:65-75.2019. SCI IF:2.815. ( JCR一区刊物)8
81. Cheng Li, Lindan Sun, Hanzuo Lin, Zhendong Qin, Jiagang Tu, Jun Li, Keping Chen, Sarath Babu V, Li Lin*. Glutamine starvation inhibits snakehead vesiculovirus replication via inducing autophagy associated with the disturbance of endogenous glutathione pool . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, 86 : 1044–1052 2018. SCI:3.298.(JCR 一区刊物). 15
82. Xiaodan Liu, Zhendong Qin, Sarath Babu V, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Xiaojun Zhang, Li Lin*. Transcriptomic profiles of striped snakehead cells (SSN-1) infected with snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) identifying IFI35 as a positive factor for SHVV Replication. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Mar;86:46-52, SCI:3.298.(JCR 一区刊物). 16
83. Lizhu Yi+, Zhendong Qin†, Hanzuo Lin, Yang Zhou, Jiabo Li, Zhen Xu, Sarath Babu V *, Li Lin*. Features of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) against the infection of red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Sep;80:534-539. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物)24
84. Zhendong Qin+, V Sarath Babu+, Ningqiu Li, Tairan Fu, Jinquan Li, Lizhu Yi, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Yang Zhou*, Li Lin*. Protective effects of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulins (IgY) against experimental Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Jul;78:26-34. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 25
85. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Quanyuan Wan, Meng Zhou, Risheng Liang, Asim Muhammad, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Jiangfeng Lan* , Li Lin*. Transcriptome analysis of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) challenged by Vibrio parahaemolyticus reveals unique immune-related genes . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Jun;77:164-174. SCI:4.62.(JCR 一区刊物). 97
86. Qin Z, Babu VS, Wan Q, Muhammad A, Li J, Lan J, Lin L*. Antibacterial activity of hemocyanin from red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Apr;75:391-399. SCI:4.62(JCR 一区刊物) 54
87. Yunjia Dai, Yuqing Wang, Lingling Zhao, Zhendong Qin, Junfa Yuan, Qiwei Qin, Li Lin*, Jiangfeng Lan*. A novel L-type lectin was required for the multiplication of WSSV in red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clakii). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 55:48-55. SCI: 3.02.(JCR 一区刊物)33
88. Yachan Ji+, Jinquan Li+, Zhendong Qin, Aihua Li, Zemao Gu, Xiaoling Liu, Li Lin, Yang Zhou*. Contribution of nuclease to the pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila.Virulence, 2015 Jul 4;6(5):515-22. SCI IF: 5.4. (JCR 三区刊物)37
89. Dong X, Qin Z, Hu X, Lan J, Yuan G, Asim M, Zhou Y, Ai T, Mei J*, Lin L*.
Molecular cloning and functional characterization of cyclophilin A in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2015,45 :422-430. SCI IF:2.674. SCI (JCR 一区刊物) 17
90. Wenjun Xu*, Zhendong Qin*, Hui Shi, Nan Jiang, Yang Zhou, Xiaoling Liu, Jianjun Xie,Genshen Wang, Weimin Wang, Muhammad Asim, Lingbing Zeng, Li Lin*. Mass mortality associated with a viral-induced anaemia in cage-reared large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea (Richardson). Journal of Fish Diseases, 2015;38(5):499-502. SCI IF: 2.056. (JCR一区刊物) 5
91. Xiaodan Liu, Jiannan Huang, Shaoping Weng, Xianqin Hu, Wenjie Chen, Zhendong Qin, Xingxing Dong, Xiaoling Liu, Yang Zhou, Muhammad Asim, Weimin Wang, Jianguo He*, Li Lin*. Infections of nervous necrosis virus in wild and cage-reared marine fish from South China Sea with unexpected wide host ranges. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2015;38(6):533-40.SCI IF: 2.056. (JCR 一区刊物) 39
92. 张林鹏,洪宇聪,孙凯辉,等. 抗弧菌三联特异性卵黄抗体的制备与体外抑菌作用 [J]. 福建农业学报, 2024, 39 (08): 888-897. DOI:10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.08.002.
93. 黄垚,陈志龙,陈思恩,等. 戊二醛和聚维酮碘对草鱼后肠免疫和肠道菌群的影响 [J/OL]. 水产科技情报, 1-13[2024-12-01]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1250.S.20241023.1440.004.html.
94. 黄炜坪;甘松永;王庆;杨少森;黄锦雄;赵艳飞;邹翠云;黄培卫;张潇潇;陈永南;秦真东;吴锦辉;林蠡. 黄鹂无齿鲹胚胎及胚后发育特征 [J]. 水产学报, 2024, 48 (04): 73-85.
95. 张林鹏,杨诗燚,白艳韩,等. 抗哈维氏弧菌、溶藻弧菌与副溶血性弧菌三联卵黄抗体的制备及体外作用效果评估 [J]. 水产学报, 2024, 48 (05): 217-228.2023
96. 陈志龙,黄垚,施斐,秦真东,林蠡. 壳寡糖对鱼类肠道健康影响的研究进展 [J]. 饲料研究, 2023, 46 (20): 153-158. DOI:10.13557/j.cnki.issn1002-2813.2023.20.030
97. 黄 垚,秦真东,陈嘉俊,杨敏璇,徐子正,杨友成,黎 烽,詹凡玢,李亚男,李清清,林 蠡*,施 斐*. 抗菌素对草鱼肠道免疫和菌群的影响. 水产学报,2022.
98. 黎烽,陈嘉俊,杨友成,徐子正,黄垚,杨诗燚,秦真东*,林蠡*. 不同盐度胁迫对草鱼组织和肉质的影响. 水产学报,2022.
99. 李亚男,陆霖青,张鹏,张博,林蠡,秦真东.罗氏沼虾胞质锰超氧化物歧化酶功能分析[J/OL].水产学报:1-9
100. 寇红岩,李凤麟,秦真东,林绮思,胡月明,陈思恩,刘港锋,梁德进,曹明,林蠡.弓形革囊星虫养殖、营养和生物学功效的研究进展[J].仲恺农业工程学院学报,2022,35(02):57-63.
101. 梁日深,杨杰銮,谢瑞琳,陈厚桦,李江涛,秦真东,林蠡,李清清.巨石斑鱼与斜带石斑鱼线粒体基因组测序及物种有效性分析[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2022,52(06):50-61.
102. 秦真东 水产养殖学本科病原生物学课程改革的实践与思考. 高教学刊. 2021,(10)
103. 李亚男,陆霖青,张鹏,秦真东,林蠡,晏磊.罗氏沼虾线粒体超氧化物歧化酶的克隆表达与功能研究[J/OL].热带海洋学报:1-9[2021-11-14]
104. 李亚男,刘春,林华剑,秦真东,林蠡. 蛙病毒PCR检测方法的建立与比较分析[J]. 水产学报:1-8
105. 秦真东,林蠡. 罗非鱼罗湖病毒的诊断及其防控策略建议.科学养鱼.2021
106. 秦真东,詹凡玢,李亚男,施斐,杨敏璇,卢志杰,李军*,林蠡*.草鱼血红蛋白通过诱导头肾巨噬细胞表达的炎症因子激活免疫反应. 水产学报. 2021, 接收.
107. 秦真东,杨敏璇, 卢志杰, 施斐,李亚男,詹凡玢,万全元, 李军*, 林蠡*.血红蛋白介导草鱼肾细胞(CIK)凋亡的机制研究.水产学报. 2021, 接收.
108. 施 斐,黄 垚,卢志杰,邹翠云,谭小红,苏友禄,秦真东*,林 蠡*.壳寡糖对虎龙斑的生长、免疫及肠道菌群的影响.水产学报. 2021, 接收
109. 李亚男,唐美珍,卢志杰,林蠡*,秦真东*. 干扰草鱼CIK细胞Mst基因的转录组分析.水产学报. 2021, 接收
110. 秦真东 卢志杰 杨敏璇 黄垚 詹凡玢 李亚男 施斐 陈少君 李军* 林蠡*.草鱼体内溶血对肝脏氧化损伤的机制研究.水产学报. 2021, 接收
111. 陈嘉俊,石韫玉,施 斐,黎烽,邹翠云,徐子正,张梦兰,卢志杰,秦真东*,林 蠡*.壳寡糖改善珍珠龙胆石斑鱼非特异性免疫能力的机制研究. 水产学报. 2021, 接收
112. 张梦兰, 秦真东, 卢志杰,赵丽娟, 潘淦*,林蠡*.斜带石斑鱼甘露糖受体基因的克隆表达及其功能研究.水产学报. 2020, 接收
113. 李凤麟,Sarath Babu,秦真东*,林 蠡*.弓形革囊星虫体腔液细胞的结构与分类.仲恺农业工程学院学报.2020
114. 李亚男,伍洁丽,林蠡*,秦真东*.水溶硅对几种常见细菌的生长抑制作用.仲恺农业工程学院学报.2020
115. 张梦兰,卢志杰,詹凡玢,李亚男,施斐,赵丽娟,林蠡*,秦真东*.草鱼IgM的表达及B淋巴细胞抗菌活性研究.[J/OL].水产学报:2020.
116. 资英娟#,秦真东#,詹凡玢,谢昊堃,张瀚云,黎烽,李滨,赵皓翰,谢远崧,赵丽娟,林蠡.一株保护草鱼肠道和改善水质枯草芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定及全基因组[J/OL].水产学报:1-13[2020-04-15].
117. 资英娟,李岩,黎烽,杨敏璇,赵丽娟,李凤麟,林蠡*,秦真东*.银离子对几种细菌的杀菌效应[J/OL].水产学报:1-10[2020-04-15].
118. 沈海洋,卢志杰,秦真东,赵丽娟,李亚男,刘春,杨光,叶成凯,易敢峰,林蠡.谷氨酰胺对GF-1细胞中C-Myc蛋白的表达与神经坏死病毒复制的影响[J/OL].水产学报:1-13[2020-01-08](一级核心)
119. 杨光,秦真东,赵丽娟,詹凡玢,沈海洋,张梦兰,卢志杰,叶成凯,李凤麟,潘淦,林蠡.罗氏沼虾细胞色素P450家族CYP302a1基因克隆及其在蜕皮周期中的表达[J/OL].水产学报:2020,1-11 (一级核心)
120. 李凤麟,赵丽娟,沈海洋,杨光,吴灶和,秦真东*,林蠡*.弓形革囊星虫组织结构和超微结构观察[J]. 动物学杂志. 2019, 54(6): 1. (一级核心)
121. 李嘉波,秦真东,赵丽娟,刘志刚,可小丽,吴灶和,刘小玲,卢迈新,林 蠡. 罗非鱼湖病毒对尼罗罗非鱼和E-11细胞的感染.水产学报[J].2019
122. 王玟秀#,秦真东#,Sarath Bubu V,周萌,梁日深,莫金凤,吴灶和,张轩 , 赵丽娟,林蠡. 抑制气呼吸导致大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus )主要呼吸器官的组织病理变化观察[J]. 水产学报.2019.
123. 何昕#,秦真东#,张凯,梁日深,杨森,伍剑标, 赵丽娟,林蠡. 苏丹鱼甘露糖受体的基因克隆表达和免疫特性[J].水产学报.2019.
124. 苏国茂#,秦真东#,赵丽娟,刘志刚,可小丽,吴灶和,卢迈新,林蠡. 罗湖病毒核蛋白的克隆表达、抗体制备及其组织分布研究[J]. 水产学报.2019.
125. 冯燕,秦真东,代云佳,张玉蕾,刘小玲,周洋,兰江风,赵丽娟*,林蠡*.草鱼核因子E2相关因子2基因克隆分析及其对呼吸爆发的调控作用[J].水产学报,2018,42(02):161-177
126. 陈文捷,刘晓丹, 胡先勤, 王文文, 秦真东, 王瑶, 周洋, 刘小玲, 林蠡*. 鱼类神经坏死病毒研究进展与发展趋势.水产学报,2014,38:1666-1670.
127. 刘晓丹,胡先勤,黄剑南,翁少萍,王文文,陈文捷,秦真东,董星星,周洋,刘小玲,张学振,郭志勋,何建国,林蠡*. 原位杂交和免疫荧光检测鱼类神经坏死病毒在宿主鱼组织中的分布.水生生物学报, 2014,38 (5): 876-882.
1、林蠡,伊丽竹,秦真东,周洋,邓俊杰,谭锐敏,一种罗氏沼虾野田病毒衣壳蛋白卵黄抗体及其应用,2018.10.30,中国,CN104725504B (发明专利)。
2、林蠡,伊丽竹,秦真东,周洋,兰江风,邓俊杰,谭锐敏,一种红鳍东方鲀神经坏死病毒衣壳蛋白卵黄抗体及其应用,2018.8.17,中国,CN104725503B (发明专利)。